Article Directory
(Ordered from least to most recently posted!)
Notes on Citation
Before you read, there are a couple of things you should know!
If a source I am citing uses particularly strong language, explicit content, or otherwise sensitive material, I will mark it with this symbol: 🔺.
I use in-text citations similar to the APA format, with a list of sources cited at the bottom of the article. I format the in-text citations as follows:
(First & last name OR username, year published, page number if applicable.)
For every time that the same source is cited after the initial appearance, only the last name of the author is used (as opposed to first and last).
I format the complete citations at the end as follows:
First and last name of author(s)*, or username if real name is not available. "Name of work** (including any subtitles)." Page [number]. Publisher, website, date of publication (mm/dd/yyyy). Any other relevant information. Type of media; URL if applicable (hyperlinked if using HTML).
*If there are more than three authors, an "et al." is included after the third name.
**If citing a photograph, an online post, or another type of media with no title, the first 8-12 words of the description or post are included in place of a title.